15 Awesome Blogs: Diamond in The Raw

I listed my 5 favorite blogs that I read regularly on previous post,”Diamond in The Raw” features the next 5 blogs. They are newly created, like hidden gems, beautiful, rough and undiscovered. Just like a diamond in the raw.

Many of them are just published 1-3 months ago, have just a few followers and are probably still directing their way in this wildering space of blogosphere. Just like me and my little blog!

In the original award — or I like to call “challenge” — Char of London nominated me, she required me to not only naming 15 blogs but also giving advice on blogging. Well, I’m a newbie, so what do I know about anything? But if I must, here are my two cents:

  1. Post a lot & regularly. I notice, that whenever I post a lot I also recieve a lot of visitors and views. Having our own audience and readership is certainly nice.
  2. Visit other blogs helps to breathe some fresh air, see new perspective and find your muse.
  3. Mingle with fellow bloggers, this is not an internship at some hedge fund company. There’s no need for competition.
  4. Respect other people intelligence works. Give credits to your sources, you’d appreciate it very much when that happened to you.

So, let’s get you to my next 5 blogs on this series, in no particular order:

6. Lipstick & Miracle

Language: English. Author: A young female poet who likes to play with words and pictures. Contents: Poetries, graphics, photography and travel stories. My fave thing:

Her words aren’t clichΓ© nor pretentious. I love reading her mindful thoughts and soulful trips. Her graphics and photos compliment her charming blog.

7. The European Low Pro Blog

Language: English. Author: Debora, geologist from Germany. She wears t-shirts and blue jeans with her silver wedding band. She’s currently writing her PhD and promoting low profile lifestyle. Contents: Her toughts and journey of a low profile life. My fave thing:

While I think this world certainly needs high-profiled jobs like doctors, bankers, politicians, businessmen, etc — I seriously think we need people to be low profile too. In a way that we being responsible for our selves, but also thoughtful of our surrounding and fellow living being. I think it’s ok to own up-scale cars like Porsche, but it’s definetly meaningless and pathetic to drive like you were immune to the laws or to park your precious car wherever your guts want to. Just because it costs millions of bucks doesn’t mean you own the streets, let alone the world.

8. Herzeugs

Language: German. AuthorSabrinaContents: Writings of all things related to the heart, song lyrics, movies, thoughts, etc. My fave thing:

Honest and encouraging writings to live and to be true to our selves. I liked her piece on what kind of world she would wanna live in, it’s part of a blog competion btw.

9.Wish I Was Mary

Language: English. AuthorAnna, a Finnish girl studying in Liverpool, England. She wishes she was Mary Berry, the famous British TV culinary persona. Contents: A diary of food, travel and lifestyle. My fave thing:

She writes with humor and light-hearted spirits about cooking, baking and things that interest her during the week. I’m excited to see this blog grow.

10. Beautifully Blissful Life

Language: English. AuthorLizContents: Creative and inspiring writings about finding the most blissful moments in everyday life. My fave thing:

She seems to be so young, sincere and wise. Her writings are honest and interesting to read. I think Liz can really inspire people through her writings. I’m really looking forward to watch her do more.


Feautured pic courtesy of Metal Craft Thailand, found on Pinterest.

Disclaimer: Blog #7 is now closed, I started writing on this post three week ago when it was still active. I just don’t know what to replace now, so I’ll just leave it that way. I liked the blog sincerely anyway.

17 thoughts on “15 Awesome Blogs: Diamond in The Raw

  1. Thank you so much πŸ˜€ The little quotes are good, gives a little inside and your advice on blogging is a wonderful reminder πŸ˜‰ Well, you can’t step in the same river twice, so just keep it up. You’re doing great πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, I think I made a mistake in reading & replying your comment. Sorry, my bad 😣

      So, about “the little quote” section that I made, I’m glad you liked it. I wanted to highlight my thoughts on each blog and as I played a bit with the text editor I thought the quote marks will give it a nice touch.

      I really appreciate your kind words & I’ll do my best πŸ˜ƒ

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on herzeugs and commented:
    E. von Boxofpages hat nun den zweiten Teil seiner inspirierenden Serie ΓΌber Newbie Blogs geschrieben. Ich finde die kleine ErlΓ€uterung ΓΌber das Bloggen am Anfang toll, auch die Mini-Zusammenfassung der Blogs. Das ist eine großartige Weise, neue Blogs zu unterstΓΌtzen πŸ˜€ Und hier mΓΆchte ich mich herzlich bedanken, dass ich dich inspirieren durfte…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the call out and love! ❀ I'm really touched and encouraged by your vote of confidence. It was such a thrill to read your post and to discover other lovely bloggers as well. I'd like to reblog this, I hope you're ok with that πŸ™‚
    Thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. THANK YOU! This really made my day πŸ™‚ And in fact my week – this will definitely feature as no 1 in this week’s list of great things πŸ˜‰

    I feel like this might turn into an emotional Academy Awards kind of speech if I go on for much longer, but, to keep it nice and simple, I’m a big fan of your blog. Keep it up, I’m really curious to see where it will all go! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome, Anna πŸ˜‰
      See, you have a great sense of humor — you could make a post of how your make-believe emotional Academy Award speech gonna be and I’ll read it! πŸ˜„

      Thank you for saying that, I really appreciate it. I’m excited to grow my blog, too. Your blog & other wonderful newbies give me courage to develop.

      Have a great week! Looking forward to your week’s list of great things 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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